In my research, I investigate language use in intercultural encounters as a site of resistance, play and creativity, and as a zone of possibilities for learning and teaching. This applied and classroom-based research agenda led to the development of two specific research-and-practice projects:

Intercultural citizenship in community-based language programs

I examine the dynamic and embodied negotiation of intercultural citizenship in interaction, in community-based language programs. This collaborative project is conducted with Dr. Mary Curran and Jessie Curtis at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, in the context of the GSE community-based urban teacher preparation programs. This research was in part funded by an ACTFL Research Initiative Grant (2016-2017).


Palpacuer Lee, C. and Curtis, J.H. (forthcoming). Service-Learning and Language Education : Disrupting Discourses of Disempowerment. American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC), Volume 2019.

Curtis, J. H. & Palpacuer Lee, C. (forthcoming). Interculturality in Language-Focused Service-Learning. InterComm online newsletter (TESOL, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, interest group).

Palpacuer Lee, C., Curtis, J. & Curran, M. E., (2018). Shaping the Vision for Service-Learning in Language Education. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), pp. 169-184. DOI: 10.1111/flan.12329 [pdf].

Palpacuer Lee, C., Curtis, J.H., & Curran, M.E. (2018). Stories of Engagement: Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers Negotiate Intercultural Citizenship in a Community-based English Language Program. Language Teaching Research. First published online 01/06/2018, [pdf].

Palpacuer Lee, C., & Curtis, J.H. (2017). Into the realm of the politically incorrect: Negotiating intercultural encounters in a service-learning program. International Journal of Multilingual Education [pdf].

Curtis, J., Palpacuer Lee, C., & Curran, M. E. (in preparation). Investigating the Impact of a Community-Based Service-Learning Program on the Multilingual Community it Serves. Foreign Language Annals, Spring 2018.


Palpacuer Lee, C., Curtis, J. H., & Curran, M.E. (2016-2017). Investigating the Impact of a Community-Based Service-Learning Program on the Multilingual Community it Serves. Research Grant from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), $2,000 award.


Palpacuer Lee, C., Curtis, J. H., & Curran, M. (January, 27 2018). The Language of Service-Learning : De/Re-constructing where we come from. In Avineri, N. (Chair). Problematizing Partnership and Interculturality in Service-Learning and Immersive Encounters. 6th International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence. Tucson, AZ ; University of Arizona.

Conference Presentations

Curtis, J.H., & Palpacuer Lee, C. (March, 10, 2019). Language Education and Community-based Learning: Sharping a New Discourse. Paper to be presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) national conference in Atlanta.

Curtis, J.H., & Palpacuer Lee, C. (July, 23-26). Decolonization and Resistance in Language Education in the U.S. Paper to be presented at the Language in the Media 2019 conference (LinM 2019), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Palpacuer Lee, C., Curtis, J., & Curran, M. (November 18-20, 2017). Impact of Community-Based Language Learning in a Multilingual Community. American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Nashville, TN.

Curran, M.E., Palpacuer Lee, C. and Mangual Figueroa, A. (March 1-3, 2018). Teaching Emerging Bilinguals: Stories of encounters, impact, and change for pre-service teachers. Paper to be presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education in Baltimore, Maryland.

Curtis, J., Curran, M.E., & Palpacuer Lee, C. (March 27-30, 2018). Learning Intercultural Competence from English Learners. Chicago, IL. : TESOL Convention.

Associated Projects

Conversation Café at the Zimmerli Art Museum. [website]

Foreign language teacher education and L2 multiliteracies at the art museum

This interdisciplinary project investigates the multifaceted and multimodal encounters with and enactments of literacy practices at the art museum, a project associated with my role as Director of the Teachers at the Louvre program at the Department of French at Rutgers.


Palpacuer Lee, C. (2018). Multiliteracies in Action at the Art Museum, L2 Journal, 10(2), available at [pdf]

Palpacuer Lee, C. (in preparation). Unlocking the Potential of Museum Objects for Intercultural Teaching and Learning.

Palpacuer Lee, C., Lee, Y.C., Melendez, D., & Khapulkova, N. (2016). Unmasked: Designing Inquiries into Cultures as Thematic Units. Special Topic Issue: Intercultural Competence. The NECTFL Review. [pdf]

Palpacuer Lee, C. (2012). (Her)Stories: Journeys at the Museum. In Beatrice Dupuy & Linda Waugh (Eds), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence. Tucson: University of Arizona. [pdf]

Palpacuer, C. (2012). Educating the Gaze or the Art of Perspective. In Fred Dervin & Béatrice Francchiolla, (Eds), Anthropologies, Interculturalité, et Enseignement-Apprentissages des Langues / Anthropology, Interculturality, and Language Learning-Teaching. Transversales Series, 32, (pp. 118-143). Peter Lang: Bern, Switzerland.

Palpacuer, C. (2010). Images, Discourses, Representations at the Louvre Museum. In Beatrice Dupuy & Linda Waugh (Eds), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence (pp. 304-334). Tucson: University of Arizona. [pdf]

Conference Presentations

Palpacuer Lee, C. & Curran, M.E. (May 30-June 1). Community and the Arts : Voices and Practices in Language Teacher Education. Paper to be presented at the 11th Language Teacher Education conference in Minneapolis.

Palpacuer Lee, C. & Idnnajem, J. (25-28 January, 2018). Bringing the museum into an Early Childhood Dual Language Classroom. Paper to be presented in the Symposium Moving through Time and Space : Transformative Intercutlural Experiences with/in/at/through Museums. 6th International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence. Tucson, AZ ; University of Arizona.

Invited Workshops, Symposia, Talks, and Teacher Professional Development

Palpacuer Lee, C. (2019, February 20). Multiple Literacies and the Museum for Language Teacher Educators. Invited webinar for the Teacher Education SIG, ACTFL.

Palpacuer Lee, C. (2016, December 10). Intercultural Magic : Unlocking the Potential of Museum Objects for Intercultural Teaching and Learning. Invited Workshop (1.5 hours) offered at the UPenn Language Center Symposium. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Palpacuer Lee, C. (2015, January). Learning to Look, Learning to See : Adopting an Inquiry Stance in the World Language Classroom. UPenn Invited Talk, Language Center Symposium. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Palpacuer Lee, C. (2015, January). From Inquiries into Cultures to a Culture of Inquiry, and Back. Invited workshop (2 days), Universidad Tecnica de Ambato, Ecuador.

Palpacuer Lee, C., Wood, M., Csatari, J. & Carr, S. (2014, March). A Voyage to the Louvre Museum: Using Art in the World Language Classroom. Workshop (3 hours) offered at the North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL). Boston, MA.

Palpacuer Lee, C., Wood, M., & Migone, D. (2014, March). Using Art in the French Language Classroom. Workshop offered at the Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey (FLENJ) annual spring conference. Somerset, NJ.

Future Directions

In my recent work, I am expanding this research agenda to include object-based approaches to language and literacy learning and teaching, thus connecting both lines of inquiry around the notions of artifactual literacy, and reflecting on ways to address and include the sensory, emotional and aesthetic dimensions of language learning into the foreign language curriculum. From a methodology perspective, I am interested in art-based approaches to inquiry, seeking to engage art-based practices in my qualitative research cycles. See Project page for more information.

Research Projects

(1) Dancing Mobility in the Urban Linguistic Landscape

Arts-based and action-research project with a group of pre-service dance educators, in the context of an introductory course on urban and bilingual education.

(2) Becoming a Speaker of Culture in Early Childhood Bilingual Education Programs

Ethnographic research project in a dual-language PreK-4 classroom to investigate how very young learners negotiate plurilingual speakers' identities in unscripted interactions with each other, and with art objects in museum galleries.